Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hemingway And An Open Fire

After almost 2 years of promising a camping trip.... we finally made it.
On Friday morning Lauren and I pulled a Supermarket Sweep on the grocery store. Dashing here and there, checking things off the list. By 1pm, we were set with the back of the car loaded with goods for the trip.
We headed out to meet Dale and Hannah.... God bless em and their complete lack of concept of time haha.
After an hour or more, we were finally on the road.

We headed up to the Mangroves (one of.... if not THE best spots in Qatar).
We drove through the desert for awhile looking for the perfect spot, which they scouted out 2 weeks before.
I got stuck in the mud once but was quickly pulled out by the monster truck that Dale and Hannah were driving.
Once I was out, we drove a bit more and found the spot.
We parked the cars by a bunch of small trees right on the edge of the sea, rocked up a big shade, pulled out the chairs, dug a fire pit, got the fire going (with no panic), and settled in for a nice long night.
Lauren prepared the master chef skills and grilled up some steaks, sausages, portobello mushrooms, and asparagus.
We ate like kings.
For campfire entertainment, we each took turns reading Hemingway's "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber".
The story was gripping and completely entertaining for all of us as the night got darker, the fire got warmer, and the tide started rolling in.
We took some time to shoot some long exposure shots and then turned in for the night.
With an inflatable mattress in the back of the Prado, Lauren and I struggled for some resemblance of comfort and jumped at every sound coming from the camp outside.
We got a good 5 hours sleep before the sun came up and cooked us in the car.
We got up, cooked a big breakfast over the fire, swam, relaxed, and just soaked in the sun.
By 3pm, we packed up and headed home.
Other than Lauren's sunburn and dog claw wound to the armpit and my speckled, burnt feet.... the whole trip was incident free and nothing but good times.
Another trip is an order soon.

Next time, marshmallows and Murakami.

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