Sunday, December 19, 2010


Upon our return to Doha (which was supposed to be only a few hours.... enough to sleep and wake up and fly again)..... I was hit with a massively frustrating surprise.
While I was away, my work visa was processed. Which is normally a reason for rejoice. It means that I am officially a resident of Doha. Meaning, I can get a Qatar ID, residency (aka can move anywhere I want), a Qatar drivers license, and (with approval from my company) a permit to buy alcohol.
BUT..... with a work visa, you require an exit permit to leave the country.
To my dismay, there was no exit permit processed for me. And the kicker is..... everyone who deals with exit permits were either out of the country traveling or had their phones shut off.
To add to that, it was a national holiday (thanks a lot FIFA!!!!).
I spent around 5 hours freaking out and frantically calling and emailing everyone that I thought could help. Ultimately having to cancel my flight to NY and reschedule it for the following day.
At this stage, their is someone working on my visa and I have my fingers crossed that we can get to NY tomorrow.

P.O.W. status = Prisoner of Work

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