Monday, January 31, 2011

Is this Egypt? Oh. No. Its Doha.

As the Asian Cup drew to a close, the most coveted ticket (closing night) was completely unattainable. Everyone in Doha knows what a major sporting event's opening and closing means....
Fireworks and spectacles far superior to the actual event that is taking place.
To the dismay of nearly 5000 people (WHO HAD TICKETS!!!), they were denied entry to the stadium.
Apparently, members of the royal family showed up and the security locked down all the gates BEFORE THE GAME EVEN STARTED.
People waving tickets were pushed back by riot police, bullied, and some even had their cameras destroyed.

This raises some major eyebrows toward Doha and its ability to hold a major sporting event.
An event like, say..... THE WORLD CUP!!!!!!
I am not taking a side on this but I do have to say.... tsk tsk.

1 comment:

  1. The shut down had nothing to do with the royals. To avoid an empty stadium, thousands of free tickets were given out leading to the final. In effect lots of these were doubled up, although seats had already been purchased; the result is what you saw/heard about. You totally have a say mate, just watch where you're saying it ;)
