I havent written in awhile because.... well.... because I am trying to live my life. SO GET OFF OF MY BACK. Sheesh. hahaha
In the run up to the festival, we have accomplished like a years worth of work in a few weeks.
I am currently "producing" 3 events for the festival - an acting workshop with Kevin Spacey, a comedy workshop with Ahmed Ahmed, and a project that I am REALLY excited about; "Direct Your Dad". I came up with this (with the help of Benjo) project based on how fun it is to do things with your father when you are a kid and how amazing it is to work with your dad on a film set (its one of my favorite parts about filmmaking).
During family day (Friday October 29th) we will have this project up and running for all to enjoy. It's fairly simple:
We had 3 set designed and painted by Dale McCarthy in 3 different themes; Arabian Nights, Country Western, and Horror.
Here's a sneak peak at one of them:
Sweet right?
On top of all this, we have countless events to attend. Two of which involve me taking the stage with Nitin Sawhney!!! Insanity. I am excited and nervous at the same time. What if I choke in front of 2000+ people? What if I fall off of my chair during the panel discussion? What if what if what if what if.
We premiere our students 10 minute films on Friday and screen the top 7 one minute films with Robert DeNiro and Mira Nair judging.
Ben and I also get to introduce Robert Rodriguez's new film "Machete".
All in all, it is going to be a pretty amazing experience.
If you are anywhere near Doha, I highly recommend coming in for the festival.
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