Tuesday, May 4, 2010

To Stache or Not to Stache.... That is the question

During my stay in New York, I forgot one crucial thing....
to shave.
I looked disgusting. I had a filthy neard (neck beard) going and for some reason, just didnt care.
But once I got to my parents house, I knew it was now or never.
So I did what anyone would do....
I left the stache.
My dad loved it and told me that I should leave it that way.
He said I looked like "a villain".
I liked that. I really wanted to keep it but I knew what Lauren would say:
"Get rid of it" with a dead serious face hahaha.
So I did.
And of course, when I got back and showed her the photo with the stache, she said she liked it!!! What the what now?!?! I could've kept it!!!!
Well.... you live and you learn.
Guess what I'll be doing for the next 2 weeks....
Yup. Growing that bad boy back.

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