Friday, April 9, 2010

Official Official

So much has happened since the last time I wrote something on here.
The days have gotten crazy (and long). Work is heating up as we prepare for the launch of our super ambitious education programs here in Doha as a part of the new year round cultural phenomenon that is Doha Tribeca Film Festival.

Today was an incredible experience for me.
Ben Robinson (check out his super rad films HERE) and I have taken over teaching the highly successful One Minute Film Workshops in the absence of our friend and colleague, Scandar Copti.
We prepared an amazing program for 15 young filmmakers and launched them into the experience of a lifetime.
I wont go into too much detail because I dont want to give anything away before the behind the scenes videos hit the website, but what I can tell you is that we had at least 12 incredible first time scripts written today!!!!!
The students were amazing and ranged from 13 to mid 40's. Every nationality. Every background. But they all shared one thing in common.... storytelling.
We crammed everything from ice breaker games, watching short films from around the world, writing exercises, and group readings into the 10am-6pm workshop.
Tomorrow we will continue the journey with more advanced techniques as well as revealing which 4 films will get the "green light" and move into production in the coming week.
I can tell you for sure, these films are going to be great and I am extremely proud to be attached to them and the filmmakers that will get the chance to make their first ever films.

In other news, I will be back in New York on April 18th to co-lead our newly formed DTFF Filmmaker Program at the Tribeca Film Festival.
We will be taking 8 filmmakers from Doha to New York to learn from industry leaders in script writing as well as taking them to panels, screenings, and events throughout the festival before bringing them back to Doha to embark on a 7 month long program that will end with them all making super high quality 10 minute short films that may premiere at DTFF 2010 in October!!!
I will have limited time while I am in New York but I am hoping to add a few extra days to my trip so I can see all my hometown mofos.
I will keep everyone posted on the happenings as I get more details.

But for now....
I need sleep.


  1. You know where I'll be april 18th??? CHINA!!!!! aaayyyyyy oooooooooooooooo

  2. Very cool, I'm sure I'd be around.

    If you get some free time, hit me up!
