We piled into the car after a nice breakfast and started the trek north to Fuwairit.
Revisiting this place was extremely high on my priority list considering last time we were there, I fell in love with the beach.
Up until that point, I wasn't sold completely on the idea of lying around in the sun, getting sanding, burning my skin, and "wasting" an entire day. I had spent most of life to that point avoiding the sun as much as possible. My paleness wasn't a curse..... it was a public display of my lack of interest in skin cancer. (At least that's a good excuse huh?)
But all that changed when I first visited Fuwairit.
The white sand, the clear water, the sunshine.... it was like a light switch was flipped inside my head that said "Yo M-Fer..... being in the sun is excellent" and that sentiment has become a new rule that I live by.
After an hour drive, we pulled off North Road and slammed our way over the rocks, through the sand, and parked our convoy at the edge of the sea.
My first move....... stroll straight out into the water. Glorious.
We grabbed some masks, snorkels, and flippers and made our way out to look for creatures of the deep (well, technically not so deep).
The tide hadn't come in yet so all we saw were some really tiny fish swimming around the coral and sea weed.
We came back in for a game of soccer and a nice picnic style lunch on the sand.
The watermelon was devoured and used as a weapon (again haha).
While we ate, the tide came in and we decided to go for a stroll around to look for things. What things? ANY things hahahah
After picking numerous pieces of trash out of the water..... we found it. The ultimate find.

Lauren informed me that they are used for crab hunting.
So what did our stroll turn into???
Yes. A crab hunt.
We walked for ages. Went to the spots where the crabs would most likely be congregated, practiced our throwing techniques on sea weed and coffee cups that floated about, and found nothing but a sea cucumber and some CUDDLEfish bones.

I'd say that's pretty cool.
We got back to the convoy as our skin felt like it was starting to burn.
Tarek and I grabbed the masks and snorkels again and headed out to look for more sea life.
This time...... JACKPOT.
The tide had brought in tons of different species along with millions of jellyfish.
We saw fish of every shape, color, and size as we floated above the coral. Some would dart away when we came near but for the most part, they were chill and just went about their business.
As we drifted above, I couldn't help but admire the intricate systems they have developed amongst the sea weed, coral, and rocks. It was like a little metropolitan.
Then, I spotted a really big fish staring straight up at me. His eye bulging as his fins flapped slowly to keep him from moving. There was a huge hole below him (which I assume was his home). I stopped my forward motion and just floated above him, staring back.
We were locked in a glaring war. Neither of us budging. Both of us floating motionless, examining each other.
I couldn't help but think how strange it would be in giant creatures hovered just above us. Watching us bustle around, doing our everyday thing. Admiring our different shapes and sizes and colors.
Is this what alien obsessed people think about? Is this what people think about "divine beings"?
Or is what I am thinking totally separate from that sort of thinking?
Either way.... it was an incredible experience that ended when a tea saucer-sized jelly fish obliviously crashed into my mask. When I looked back down, the fish was gone.
We made our way back to shore and packed up to head home.

A nice long shower, a shave, and a generous lathering of aloe vera later.....
I sit writing this nearly meaningless blog for you to waste a part of your life reading.
Hope it was worth the time.
It wasnt worth your time. I didnt read it. You are not an alien. Stop trying to cuddle me from behind.