1 - Hollywood blockbusters that lack any substance
2- Films that HAD substance before the censors ripped out their souls
It is a very difficult decision when attending one of the 3 cinemas that exist in this city. Do you go to see a film that you are really excited about, knowing that every bit of plot and character could be potentially (and very crudely) sliced from the film? Or do you go to see a film that you really could care less about and hope for a tiny spark of excitement or at the very least, escapism?
Tonight I went for the rare; "I want to see this but I am expecting very little" blockbuster.....
and that just what I got with Alice in Wonderland by Tim Burton (in 3D).

YET.... I was entertained. It kept my attention and made me "ew & ah" once or twice.
The casting was excellent (besides a somewhat unconvincing Alice).
Anne Hathaway - Good.
Helen Bonham Carter - Awesome.
Johnny Depp - Incredible.
Which brings me to my next point.....
As a filmmaker, I have always respected Tim Burton. I grew up loving his early films (Frankenweenie, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Beetlejuice, Batman, Edward Scissorhands) and they still hold a very special place with me.
BUT, I have come to realize what Tim Burton is....
A sad director who, somewhere along the way, lost his original vision and is simply floating in an endless sea of mediocrity.
Lucky for him, he hasn't drown in it yet due to one very obvious reason:
Johnny Depp.
Let's break it down....
Since 1990, Tim Burton has directed 12 feature films.
7 of them have featured Johnny Depp.
Please be aware, I am not saying that all of these films were GOOD. I am simply pointing out the facts.
4 have been remakes (or as Burton glosses over the fact by saying "reimaginations"), 1 sequel (2 if you count Corpse Bride as the sequel to Nightmare Before Christmas, which let's face it, might as well have been), and at least one adaptation of a play.
And according to IMDB, Burton is now remaking Frankenweenie as his next film.
I simply ask, Why?
Why has someone with such talent been reduced to a regurgitating, unoriginal Hollywood player? Is it the money? Is it the fame?
No matter what the reason, I miss the Tim Burton of old.
As a realist, I know that THAT Tim Burton is gone and will probably never return.
So I am doing what I do with most things that USED to excitement me....
I am writing him off.
Sad to see you go....
But Tim, this is farewell.
May you find fulfillment in your career and life...
But I will no longer be contributing to your fat pockets.
Alice in Wonderland was the last of your films that I will willing pay to watch.

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