Last night was an incredible amount of fun.
I was completely right in the invitees being the perfect people for the night.
We even convinced my roommate Matt to come out with us. Good choice.
We got there around midnight and Vhs or Beta (??? I think that was them) already had the party in full swing. I looked down at my phone for a second, looked back up, and everyone was gone. I roamed the floor, hit the bar for a beer, and posted up looking for Brit's tallness to shine above the crowd of bouncing heads and pumping fists.
Once I found them, I had to go find Mallory. Then lose them again. haha
While looking for them again, I was not shocked to see Brit up on the stage dancing right next to the DJs hahaha.
We pushed to the front and joined in for some good old on the stage antics.
After a short pee break, I was standing in the back sending a text and a girl (who looked identical to Agynes Dean) came up and starting whispering in my ear. My left ear. My deaf ear.
I kept replying "Huh?!" and she continued to speak into that useless skin flap until eventually she was practically screaming: "I am looking for drugs and I heard you got em!!!" hahahaha
I think she was disappointed when I turned out to just be another dude sending a text hahaha
The night went on and we danced our asses off.
We were all completely soaked in sweat head to toe and laughing hysterically.
Brit and Angel were working on some "partner" moves that I had yet to see displayed in a public place (hahaha jokes), Mallory was perfecting her chop move transitioned into a dance from Michael Jackson's "This Is It", which looks like someone pulling a rope while treading backwards on not so slick ice (hahahahaha), and Matt Carr found a dance partner that fit his frame and satisfied his eyes sexually.
It was a hell of a night and I really cant wait for the next one.
By then, we will all be masters of the Roger Rabbit.
When I Was 8 Years Old On My Birthday
9 years ago
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