Monday started early, Carrie and I went to see Garbage Dreams (finally).
Good film. Could it have answered more? Yes. Could it have shown more of the other issues? Yes. Will we make the same mistakes this film did? Absolutely not.
Then we followed a good tip and headed to the Marc Jacobs store on Bleeker where we found these clutches:
Made by none other than the women at A.P.E. in Cairo.
How rad?!
Or maybe not so rad when you look at the price ($11), making it next to impossible to believe that any money is being sent back over there to them. But maybe I am wrong.
Either way, it was an excellent tip and boosted my spirits for the full circle international relevance of the story we are telling.
The sun went down and I went home to prepare for the night....
About a year ago (??) I received 3 songs from the Ravens and Chimes record Reichenbach Falls; "January", "General Lafayette! You Are Not Alone", and a cover of Leonard Cohen's "So Long Marianne", which was not on the album sadly.
Each track hooked me. Excellent compositions, stunningly painful and truthful lyrics, beautiful male and female harmonies, and melodies that are undeniable.
I bought the record (which got tons of rotation while in Doha) and tried desperately to see them live. Each time, there was already something I had to do.
AGAIN, they are playing New York (this Friday at Bell House) and I can't attend.
But then my luck changed thanks to a whim check of Twitter....
Luckily, the one and only Alexandra Fredricks (read about her amazing travels HERE) was in town and totally flexible about ditching David Byrne's presentation at Bell House.
She showed up with her childhood friend, Vida, who graciously shared numerous embarrassing stories about Alex.
Always nice to know that we were ALL awkward.... not just a select handful of people.
We met up at Union Hall and had a few drinks before the show "opened".
I hadn't heard of the other 2 bands (Jaguar Club and The Joy Formidable) and I had just assumed that no one else had either and everyone was there to see Ravens and Chimes.
But I was certainly wrong.
They opened the show with "This Is Where We Are" from Reichenbach Falls to a room of around 15 people.... most sitting idly on benches along the wall.
The rest of the set was filled with new songs from the upcoming release. Each was better than the next. Seamlessly traveling through what I can only describe as Rock and Roll meets Carnival music.... and I mean that in a compliment. The songs were all incredible.
From what I understand, the band that is the band now was not the band before. (There HAD to be an easier way to say that haha).... aka there are new members of the band.
Whatever the case may be, they should stick with it.... and YOU should get their record. Cause you'll love it.
In the midst of all that, Little Buddy hit me up with a text saying that he would be at ROPE for $1 beer night at 10.
We had about an hour to kill before then so we stayed for Jaguar Club and had a few more beers.
Now, I don't want to be rude or shallow, but Jaguar Club was quite confusing to me. I am pretty sure one dude in the band was like 20 years older than the singer and I am also pretty sure that the singers left leg can't hear the kind of music they are playing....shaking wildly and tippy toe boppin. It was an awkward set of semi-polished pop songs, equipment malfunctions, improv (to cover mistakes and not stop completely), and piss poor between song jokes (which is clearly a factor in a stage show..... OPEN LETTER TO SINGERS: Talk to Brit Darrow about how to effectively talk complete bullshit that makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever and still win over the crowd).
We left as the singer leaped from the stage and slammed the microphone to the ground.
I guess that's what kids call Rock and Roll these days hahaha
We jumped in a cab and got to ROPE around 1030 but not before stopping to scarf down some nasty, burning hot Chinese food next door. Pepper steak??? Really???
Little Buddy was there with some of his harem (Mike Mitchell did claim that Manuel is the Puerto Rican Hugh Hefner and never rolls with less than 3 girls at all times hahaha) and the $1 beers were a flowin.
Even though the bar backs were like the employees at Disney Land, swooping down and snatching a piece of trash before it touches the ground, and taking our empty cans immediately.... we stashed enough to get a tower going.
Not even sure why I wanted to so badly. I think it was the weakest attempt at a "Damn The Man" that I have ever been a part of and a fully blame Sarah for that experience hahaha
The clock hit something and I knew I'd turn into a pumpkin soon so I jumped in a cab and rolled out. Not sure why but I always start to realize I am drunk when I get in a cab. Unfortunately, this time I realized I was drunk when I went to pay the dude and didnt have any money left hahaha.
A quick stop at the laundromat ATM and the debt was cleared and I was homeward bound.
Monday night..... check.
Tuesday night..... lets do this.
When I Was 8 Years Old On My Birthday
9 years ago
i love how the day was "early" because we went to a 2:30 showing. haha, nerd.